Interested in exploring what professional opportunities are available in the health care space?
Please Join us at the Health Tech CoLab, next Thursday April 28th from 11:30am – 12:30pm in Blum 120, to learn about the different kinds of careers available in HealthTech.
We will be joined by Partha Marella, Executive Vice President of HCL Technologies, to share about his work at HCL and have a discussion with students about potential career paths, exploring options from research to startups to working in a large company. It will be a moderated discussion with plenty of opportunities to ask questions. As this is over lunch time period, we will be providing free lunch for students that attend. Learn about potential careers and enjoy lunch with us at the CoLab! RSVP here and see you there!
Please email Karenna, the CoLab manager, if you have any questions at