Health Hazards of Pollution

October 17th, 1:00 – 2:30pm PT | B120 Blum Hall, UC Berkeley Hi all, we have another exciting Lab Links event coming up on Health Hazards of Pollution! Please join us on Monday October 17th, 1pm – 2:30pm at the Health Tech CoLab in 120 Blum Hall to learn about and discuss current research and […]
Battling Bacteria in the Age of Resistance

Click here to RSVP! Please join us on April 8th, 3pm – 5pm at the Health Tech CoLab in 120 Blum Hall to learn about and discuss current research happening on campus around antibiotic resistant bacteria. Professors Niren Murthy and Lee Riley will discuss the impact of antibiotic resistant bacteria on public health and current research addressing […]